These wonderful little green peppers are now planted every year in my garden. I still can't figure out why I only plant 2 plants instead of a whole field of the things. They are not exactly sweet, and they are not spicy (though occasionally you'll get one with more of a bite to it.) but they have the most incredible flavor.

I usually cut off the stem, slice them fairly thin lengthwise and then sauté them in olive oil with a little bit of salt. Sometimes to stretch out the flavor I sauté several with a bell pepper. I then spoon this mixture over slices of fresh bread and add some feta cheese on top. It is incredible.

These peppers originally come from Spain and on my trip to Spain last month I learned that they are specifically from Galicia. And it looks like Galicia has fairly cool summers, so maybe that's why they grow well here. In Spain they serve padron peppers as tapas. They fry them up whole in olive oil and you pop them in your mouth. They also served them much bigger than I had been harvesting. The first year I bought them from the nursery, the tag said harvest at olive size. Though they are ready to eat then, in Spain, they harvest them at a much larger size. Maybe 2 inches long. So this year that's what I'm doing.